“Somnium” project Film 50 minutes, videomapping for dome. Creation techniques of videomapping for dome, using Google's virtual painting software Tilt Brush VR Commissioned by the Symphonyc Orchestra of Bogotá, for the 50th anniversary of the Planetarium of Bogotá, It was presented in a private function at the celebration show on Friday, December 13, 2019, and in two public functions on Saturday, December 14 at the 23 mts, 388 seats, planetarium dome of Bogotá. This document illustrates very briefly my use of VR painting techniques for production of contents used in videomapping in Dome. Preproduction: Regular face-to-face and Skype meetings were held, and work began on a brief script that the symphony art director built based on the theme of the history of observation of space. It was possible to write music and create video from scratch for 11 tracks, or scenes, 40 minutes. The process of creating the script was worked in the style of my usual work on TV and create...